“Since I was very young I have been sailing, and navigating by the stars. Growing up in 1970s United States, sailing to Europe, and living in the Middle East, I came to appreciate and understand the importance of fusion energy, not only as the ultimate source of energy in our world, but also as a hope for the future of our planet.
I grew up, and had the chance to study traditional magnetic fusion in tokamak plasmas, and then take the dipole concept from an observation of plasma above us in space to a real, working plasma confinement device down here on Earth. Now, at OpenStar in New Zealand, a land twice found by peoples navigating by the stars, I have landed with a great team of kindred spirits for another shot at bringing the power of the stars to Earth.”
Darren was the chief experimentalist at the Levitated Dipole Experiment (LDX) - the single greatest source of real-world knowledge on the levitated dipole concept. In his time at MIT and Columbia, he has published over 200 papers on fusion energy. He contributed to the early stage design of SPARC, designed and ran the first experiment to observe h-mode at Alcator C-Mod. He is an exited founder of Cambridge Physics Outlet and the co-inventor of the SPARC runaway electron mitigation coil. The importance of having Darren here as our Director of Plasma can really not be overstated.